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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Glory of Easter Addition

$9 Glory of Easter Addition = 8 cards and 8 scrapbook pages :)

Page Ideas from NSD

Hope you enjoy all of the ideas from NSD!!! We had such a wonderful time.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Your Invited!! National Scrapbook Day Workshop - NW Tucson

National Scrapbook Day(s)

You're invited to my NSD event, where fresh products and inspiring ideas will be in full bloom. Whether you enjoy traditional Scrapbooking, Quick kits, or just want to organize your photo's. Here's what's in store for you:

- Time to work on your photo projects
- Project ideas and inspiration
- Hands on demonstrations
- Free make 'n' takes
- Snacks for Friday and Lunch for Saturday
- Goodie Bags
- Raffle for an album
- Free Gift for registering a friend
- Exclusive Fun & Fab products (see below for details)

This year I have set up two dates for the event Friday April 1st and Saturday April 2nd. You can attend one or both days, if attending both days projects may be left set up for the next day. To register click on the Creative Memories Link on the right and follow the link to my calendar or use my info below. Hope to hear from you soon and see you on the 1st and 2nd.

**For those of you that just want to stop in please feel free**

NSD Crop Details:

National Scrapbook Day
Date(s): Friday April 1st, Saturday April 2nd
Time(s): Friday 7pm-Midnight Saturday 10am-5pm
Location: NW Tucson - Call for exact address.
RSVP By: March 15th with Crop fee of $15 for 1 Day or $20 for both
Pre-Orders By: March 18th
- After you have registered for NSD you are able to order the exclusive products.

NSD - Exclusive Retail Products (pictured above)

Fun & Fab 12x12 Coverset - $32 for pre-registered NSD guests only!!

Fun & Fab 12x12 Coverset Bundle $62 for pre-registered NSD guest only!!
More savings when you bundle the 12x12 Fun & Fab Coverset with two sets of pages and protectors. You’ll save 25 percent, plus have everything you need to complete an album.

Fun & Fab Sticker Sheet $5 or free if you register a guest for NSD.

Future Crop Dates - Mark your Calendar!!
Your first crop is free. Excluding NSD unless you are just stopping by.

March 18th - 7pm - Midnight $free
April 1st and 2nd - NSD $15-$20
April 22nd - 7pm - Midnight $2
May 6th - 7pm - Midnight $2
May 20th - 7pm - Midnight $2

See you soon,

Suzanne Paschen
Creative Memories Consultant
Your Life Your Story Your Way

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cheerful Spring Addition

Creative Memories - Cheerful Spring - 12X12 Addition
Ask me how you can get one of these for $9.00 and recreate your own cards and scrapbook pages.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Tool!!! Flowers & Swirls

Check out these pages that I was able to add very cute accents to with these simple Doodling Templates.

Cheerful Valentine - 12X12 Addition

What an Awesome Valentine addition I was able to make 8 cards and still have enough paper left over to make up to 8 Pages in my scrapbook album. :)

Cheerful Valentine - 12X12 Addition